4th Grade Superstars!

4th Grade Superstars!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Learning Targets

Readers in room 12 have been working on the comprehension strategy, summarizing information. Kids are working on finding the big ideas or key ideas in the text. Then they are asked to summarize the list of big ideas in one or two senteces. Kids are also looking at illustrations to help them identify important ideas.

We are moving on from persuasive writing and focusing on narrative writing. Kids are using their homework writing pieces from earlier in the month to create a writing goal based on the 5 Writing Criteria; Focus, Organization, Support, Conventions and Style. This personalized goal will be applied to their latest writing prompt, "If you were a dog or a cat."
As a whole class we are working on ORGANIZING our writing into paragrphs and REVISING our writing by reading and rereading, because- "When we think we're done we have only just begun!"

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