4th Grade Superstars!

4th Grade Superstars!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Figuring things out!

I am still trying to figure out how to consistently use a blog. It is easy to get caught up in the little pieces of it all....so I am trying to focus on what will be meaningful and simple for parents and kids to use. There are so many resources out there- what is intentional and useful for kids to learn- while thinking about our state standards.
I would love for this blog to be a resource for families to go to in order to guide them with current lessons or challenge their child with extensions in our current unit of studies. I also love the idea of posting pictures of the kids working, reading, playing and enjoying their days at school.
Another cool thing about having a blog is the ability for parents to add comments, or post questions about what's happenin' in room 12! Hopefully the sites I have linked through our blog will help guide families along if your child is unsure of how to go about a homework assignment.

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